Are You Money Ready?

As a military spouse, you know that your family needs to be prepared to face the ups and downs of military life. And part of that preparation is striving for a strong financial future. Here’s where you play a key role and why we’ve created financial education to help you positively impact your family.

The Money Ready guide (and accompanying videos) tackle specific money management topics that impact you and your service member, alike!

Feel free to explore the topics most relevant to your current situation and needs — in any order you choose.

Simply click on the arrow below to begin exploring.

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
money ready
Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses

Are You Money Ready?

As a military spouse, you know that your family needs to be prepared to face the ups and downs of military life. And part of that preparation is striving for a strong financial future. Here’s where you play a key role and why we’ve created financial education to help you positively impact your family.

The Money Ready guide (and accompanying videos) tackle specific money management topics that impact you and your service member, alike!

Feel free to explore the topics most relevant to your current situation and needs — in any order you choose.

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Military Spouses - Financial Planning - Measure Progress

Money Ready

Money Ready

Getting Started

As you plan for the future, our free "Money Ready" guide is designed with a simple objective: to introduce you to the basics of personal finance so that you can begin building a solid financial foundation and improve your financial readiness. Starting from here, you will learn how to:

  • Set financial goals.
  • Create a spending plan.
  • Establish a good credit reputation and use credit wisely.
  • Protect your assets with insurance, wills, powers of attorney and a letter of instruction.
  • Save and invest for short-term and long-term goals, such as emergencies and retirement.
  • Adjust your financial plan as circumstances change.
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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Military Spouses - Financial Planning - Measure Progress

Money Ready

MilSpouse - Create a Budget - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Create a Budget

A strong financial foundation can help you achieve your goals, no matter what they are. Create a budget as the first step to understanding your inflows and outflows. Learn More

MilSpouse - Understanding Credit - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Understand Credit

Credit can be an important financial tool, but it must be used wisely. The poor use of credit is perhaps the number one cause of financial hardship among military families. Learn More

MilSpouse - Managing Debt - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Manage Debt

Learning how to manage and reduce household debt is a valuable contribution every military spouse can make to their family. Begin by calculating your debt to income (DTI) ratio. Learn More

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Military Spouses - Financial Planning - Measure Progress

Money Ready

MilSpouse - Military Spouse Insurance - - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Insure Your Family

Smart spending, regular savings and strategic investing are just part of smart financial management. It is vital to insure your assets, your earning potential, yourself, and your family against suffering a loss. Learn More

Saving & Investing for Military Spouses - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Pay Yourself First

A good financial plan starts with your goals. Clearly defining why you are putting money away can help you find the right tools. Start saving and investing early and regularly to reach your major financial goals. Learn More

Milspouse - Military Spouses & Identity Theft - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Protect Your Identity

Your best defense as a victim of identity theft is to recognize it quickly and take immediate action to mitigate the effects. It can take months or years and thousands of dollars for victims to clear their names and credit records. Learn More

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Military Spouses - Financial Planning - Measure Progress

Money Ready

MilSpouse - Military Families Major Purchases - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Major Purchases

What do you consider to be a major purchase: a new car, truck or motorcycle, a home, a new gaming system? Any of these could be a major purchase depending on your financial situation at the time you make it. Learn More

Military Spouses funding college - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Fund College

Earning a college degree is often viewed as a stepping stone to the American dream. While a higher education comes with the potential for higher income, it doesn’t come cheaply. You must first tackle the challenge... Learn More

Retirement Planning for Military Spouses - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Plan Retirement

Retirement may seem distant but start planning for it now to obtain financial security during your retirement years. The most powerful factor that you might have is time. Investing now for retirement offers two essential... Learn More

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses
Military Spouses - Financial Planning - Measure Progress

Money Ready

Military Spouse Investment Education - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Invest Wisely

Deciding which investments to make takes time and energy and investing often costs money. You can save on investment costs by doing it yourself or you can get help. Which is best depends on you. Learn More

Estate Planning Tips for Military Families - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Plan Your Estate

We have heard the stories of rich celebrities with no plan for who would inherit their millions. Or the trust-fund kid whose dearly departed uncle set him up for life. This may not be your story, but you can still... Learn More

Military Families Measuring Financial Progress - Money Ready Course - Free Financial Education

Measure Progress

You are well on your way toward improving your financial condition if you have studied the money management courses contained within this website. Once you understand what is involved in managing... Learn More

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Primary Text Separator for Milspouse Money Mission, Financial Education for Military Spouses